“Perhaps of
all creations of man language is the most astonishing” – Giles Lytton Strachey.
During thousands
years of existing on the Earth man created lots of things such as cars,
telephone, Internet, atomic bombs, but the most astonishing creation of man is
considered language. Language is a phenomenon which has different types and
that is why it is available to everybody; its origin is not known yet; language
carries information about the person who speaks it and that is why it is
considered to be the most astonishing creation ever.
Language is available
for everybody: for those who have ability of speaking a language or some of
them and for those who don’t have ability of speaking, but who use gestures to
send the information. People can communicate verbally, sending and receiving
oral messages, as well as non-verbally, using gestures, posture, facial
expressions. At the same time people can use both types and communicate verbally
and non-verbally at the same time, as non-verbal message compliments,
contradicts, regulates repeats and substitutes the verbal one.
As well as the appearance
of the world and of a man is unknown, nobody can tell exactly where and how
language came into being. Scientists seem to know everything about the
language, its types, peculiarities, total number of languages in the world;
however, nobody knows the nature of human languages. There exist lots of hypothesis
about the origin of language such as a Divine hypothesis, a Ding-Dong hypothesis,
Lying hypothesis and the others; however there is no theory with strong
evidence of how and when the language came into being. This is one more reason to
consider language an astonishing phenomenon.
Language carries
information about the person who speaks it as people usually pay attention on
how a person speaks. If what a
person wears reflects what he/she is, then the style of speech indicates a person’s
thinking. Through the manner of speaking
one can judge about his/her interlocutor’s mood and intensions. One can never
hide his/her intensions only by the words he/she utters; one should imply soft
intonation, gestures, smile, and eye contact.
Language, which is a
system that combines thoughts, oral message, gestures and written symbols, is
that helps people fulfil their primary need – need of communication. It is one
of the most astonishing creations of a man, since nobody can live without it
and everybody appreciates it.
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