суббота, 22 сентября 2012 г.

Sunday’s Realizations 

I read he book, by degrees. And I'm so interested in its actions, that I can' sleep tonigtht. Earlier I thought that the Frankenstein's creation is a fiend that 
can't love, and feel anything. By now I understood that our "unhappy wretch", as he calls himself, seems only misery. He wanted to love and to be loved, but every person, for which the wretch has sentiments, repulses him. 
 Poor creation is alone. He hasn't any friend, he hasn't any being, that is like him, that his the same heigh, face... By now I didn't discover why he murdered William and how he became a fiend, but I am sure that this is the Frankenstein's fault. He was afraid of his creation, therefore, Victor left him. Our wrech couldn't understand who is he? what happened wiht he? he didn't know who are his parents? and why people are afraid of him?But I found tha the Victor's creation is very intelligent.
When he met his creator he already could speak, think, discourse. With pain the wretch tells that he loved people, helped them and hoped to be loved too. Buy his ugliness only pained Felix, Agatha and Safie. Even Felix' and Agatha's father, who is blind, is afraid of the Frankensein's creation. 
Our protagonist is so unhappy, he isn't loved by somebody, even by his own creator, an irresponsable young man. I'm so sorry of that. And I want to know new details of the book. I would like to see the protagonist happy, with some dear men. But I think it won't happen! 
Our wretch became evil, he became a murderer, because of people, who were around him, and first of all, because of his our creator. 
I think the wretch, who want to study, to speak, to live, is more wiser than any person, who has all the charms of life, and who doesn't comprehend that.  He doesn't understand, why a man, who has everything: "a house and every luxury", a  "fire to warm them when chill", an interlocutor; is unhappy. 
These are the mst important questions in nowadays life, because we don't appreciate that we have. It's amazing to read the monser's thoughts. I'm curious of further developments, but I have time to read the book till the end! 
Good night! Have  funnny day, everybody, and be as Frankenstein's creation, read more and more, and study new words and love people. But I wish to everybody to be loved, not alone , like our "unhappy wretch"!!!

вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

The second Monday's expectations! 
Firstly, I want to apoligize for being late. Monday was yesterday.
But I want to show my emotions about the book now. I read 7 chapters of the book and I'm very interested of the developments. I am sure that every essence can't resiste without love and attention. Victor has been working for several time in order to creat his dream, a super person, an immortal person. But when he does it, he  became affraid, so Victor left his creation, left him without thinking of his further life.
When I read that William is murdered, I understood who is child's slayer. I think that afterwards the Frankenstein's creation will kill much Victor's beloved people. I think that it is a revenge for being abandoned. I am interested of the end of the story, I don't think it will be the happy end. But I can't imagine, what will heppen with our protagonist later.
We are responsible for those who we tamed. That I understood untill this moment!!!!

воскресенье, 16 сентября 2012 г.

Hi guys. I'm so disappointed. I read  a small part of the book. I want to read more, but it's difficult for me. I don't like reading very much, but I'm interested of what heppend with our Victor Frankenstein. I think that it's senselessly to write some questions about contents of a book, because it is impossible to communicate here. I want to express my emotions in English like I do it in Russian. This is my dream.But I think that it will never happen without reading.!!! Have fun and I wish for everybody fulfullment of their dreams!!  

среда, 12 сентября 2012 г.

Wednesday’s Revelations 
 I wrote the first chapter of our book and I really liked it. I am sure that I will enjoy "Frankinstein" more and more. I found that the narrator is a man from Genevese. In the begining ot the chapter one he tells us the story of his grandfather's death. Beaufort was his father's beloved friened, who died and his daughter remained an orphan. Afret that Caroline became her fathers's friend wife.  Norrator's father was a good man, tender, who loved his wife very sweet. Caroline was a good woman too. She was so noble, that one day she sheltered an young girl, who hadn't parents. From that day Elizabeth Lavenza became a member of norrator's family and he said that Elizabeth was "more than sister" for our protagonist. He loved his sister very much, she was lovely and sweet. 
I'm curious to know what happened further, but I must do my homework fot the other subject. I will continue tomorrow!!  
 Have a nice today, tomorrow, have a nice infinity, my dear fellows!!!  

суббота, 8 сентября 2012 г.

Monday's expectations! 
I think that this new book will be very interesting. I heard about Frankinstein. May be he is an scientist who created  a monster. I hope that it won't be difficult to read this book and won't be disappointed.